I don’t know about you, but I always have a few different nut butters on hand.

Why? Because…

  1. Every but butter has a different flavor which allow me to constantly be switching things up

  2. While all nuts are healthy fats the different varieties contain different important nutrient

I consider myself a nut-butter-aholic. I can never get enough. I eat nut butter at least 3 times a day, and each time the decision comes I can never make up my mind. Almond? Cashew? Peanut? Please tell me I’m not alone. Therefore, I finally decided to combine my favorite nut butters and get the best of both worlds: flavor and nutrition! With inspiration from Loving Earth’s ABC Spread, I have found the perfect blend.

Almond Brazil Cashew Butter

This Almond Brazil Cashew Butter turned out better than I expected, becoming the nut butter I’m reaching for again and again! It is smooth, creamy and extremely spreadable even after being in the fridge.

Nourished by Nutrition facts:

Almonds: 1 oz (28 g or ¼ cup) of raw almonds has about 160 kcal and 14 g of fat, 9 g of those being monounsaturated fats. This serving size also has 6 g of protein, 3.5 g of fiber and is a good source of important nutrients such as manganese, magnesium and calcium. Which is good for vegans and vegetarians not consuming dairy products. Almonds are also an excellent source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, with 1oz containing 37% of the RDA.

Brazil nuts: 1 oz (28 g or 10 nuts) of raw Brazil nuts has 190 kcals and 19 g of fat with over 70% coming from mono- and polyunsaturated fats. This serving size has 4 g of protein, 2 g of fiber and is a good source of many nutrients. Brazil nuts are the best-known food source of selenium, providing 774% of the daily recommendation. Selenium is one of the trace minerals are bodies need for proper immune and thyroid function. In addition, Brazil nuts are a source of magnesium, copper and phosphorus.

Cashews: 1 oz (28 g ¼ cup) of raw cashews has about 160 kcal and 12 g of fat, most of which is monounsaturated fats. This serving size contains 5 g of protein and is full of important nutrients including magnesium, copper and zinc and iron. Copper is essential for the enzyme superoxide dismutase to function correctly in antioxidant defense.

Quality and Storage of NUTs

Nuts are best purchased raw to ensure the highest amount of nutrients. Otherwise, purchase the nuts unsalted and dry-roasted. This ensures that the nuts are not roasted in another type of oil, which could potentially decrease the nutrition profile. If you could to purchase raw, you can always dry roast the nut yourself, that way you can control when or for how long you want to roast them.

Store nuts in an air high container in a cool, dry place up to a month. Otherwise, place them in the freezer to make sure they do not go rancid.

Soaking nuts may be beneficial for some individuals because they become easier to digest. Also, by soaking nuts, you are ready to go to make your own nut milk. Try my recipe for Homemade Almond Milk.

TOOLS For making Nut butter

Making nut butter can be such a simple process if you have the correct tools! I recommend a high speed blender (I use this one) but a food processor will also get the job done! Using a high speed blender will achieve a smooth consistency within 1-2 minutes. Make sure you use the tamper to push the nuts down towards the blade to make sure the butter has the same consistency throughout. If you are using a food processor, it will take a bit longer to break down the nuts. Intermittently scrape down the sides of container and keep pulsing. I have found that it takes about 7-10 minutes to get completely smooth.

HOW TO USE Nut Butter

There are infinite possibilities when it comes to using nut butters. I love spreading this Almond Brazil Cashew Butter toast, placing a tablespoon in my oatmeal, or just simply eating a spoonful! My other recommendations include drizzling it on  yogurt, substituting it for your part of the fat in baked goods, adding it to homemade dressings, or stirring it into soups for a thick, creamy consistency.

Almond Brazil Cashew Butter

Smooth, creamy and spreadable nut butter with an incredible nutrient profile

Makes 1 1/2 cups


  • 1 cup/112g dry roasted almonds

  • 1 cup/112g dry roasted cashews

  • 3/4 cup/85g raw brazil nuts

  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt

  1. Place the ingredients in a high speed blender. Turn on the blender, increasing slowly to full-speed. Use the tamper to push the nuts around, until completely smooth and creamy. This usually takes 1-2 minutes.

Make sure to follow Nourished by Nutrition on Instagram. If you make this recipe tag #nourishedbynutriton so I can see what you have made and feature you!

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